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Classroom Management: When the Rules Aren't Working
Classroom Management: The First 5 Strategies to Try when the Rules Aren't Working
FREE Strategy #1 for Your BEST Year Yet! (2:37)
FREE Strategy #2 for Your BEST Year Yet! (2:09)
FREE Strategy #3 for Your BEST Year Yet! (2:41)
FREE Strategy #4 for Your BEST Year Yet! (2:10)
FREE Strategy #5 for Your BEST Year Yet! (2:58)
Module 1: Establishing positive relationships
Module 1 Introduction (1:01)
Lesson Preview (8:09)
Lesson 1- Teacher to Student Relationships (8:09)
Lesson 2- Whole Class Relationships (10:05)
Lesson 3- Student to Student Relationships (7:38)
Lesson 4- The Challenging Student (10:01)
Module 2: Creating Positive Classroom Environment
Module 2 Introduction (1:20)
Lesson 1- Classroom Layout (8:09)
Lesson 2- Student Created Spaces (10:12)
Lesson 3- The Organized and Clean Classroom (7:37)
Lesson 4- Student Ownership & Responsibility (6:38)
Module 3: Making Routines & Procedures Effective
Module 3 Introduction (1:11)
Lesson 1- Explicitly Teach Procedures (7:15)
Lesson 2- Student Transitions: Movement (8:01)
Lesson 3- Student Transitions: Supplies (9:07)
Lesson 4- Procedures for Daily Routines (8:10)
Module 4: Student Engagement
Module 4 Introduction (1:02)
Lesson 1- Opportunities to Respond (6:18)
Lesson 2- Checking for Understanding (6:31)
Lesson 3- Mixing Up Instruction (7:19)
Lesson 4- Break Things Up! (7:50)
Module 5: Student Accountability and Leadership
Module 5 Introduction (1:06)
Lesson 1- Student Reflection: Behavior (7:12)
Lesson 2- Student Reflection: Academics (6:24)
Lesson 3- Student Data Collection (7:35)
Lesson 4- Student Led Activities (10:19)
Module 6: Time Management
Module 6 Introduction (0:49)
Lesson 1- Managing Time: Planning and Preparation (8:04)
Lesson 2- Managing Time: Setting Work-Life Boundaries (8:37)
Lesson 3- Keep Class Moving (7:23)
Lesson 4- Classroom management is Time Management - put in time now to save time later (8:46)
Lesson 1- Teacher to Student Relationships
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